More Projects

by Zenodotus Coder

  • Cataloguer App: The Cataloguer app provides an interface to make accessing the Game Cataloguer project more user friendly
  • Console Masks: The Console Masks project provides free-to-use image masks for video game consoles released into the public domain
  • Game Cataloguer: The Game Cataloguer project allows librarians, archivists, cataloguers, data hoarders, etc. to catalogue, tag and store video games from online archives quickly and easily
  • es-theme-zenodotus-coder: The Zenodotus Coder ES Theme is available for free to maximize the EmulationStation experience for librarians, archivists, cataloguers, data hoarders, etc.

Zenodotus Coder’s Avatar                                            _____                    _       _                ____          _           
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